Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tutorial: Writing an Interpreter with PyPy, Part 1

This is a guest blog post written by Andrew Brown, with help from the PyPy developers on the pypy-dev mailing list.

This tutorial's master copy and supporting files live at https://bitbucket.org/brownan/pypy-tutorial/

When I first learned about the PyPy project, it took me a while to figure out exactly what it was about. For those that don't already know, it's two things:

  • A set of tools for implementing interpreters for interpreted languages
  • An implementation of Python using this toolchain

The second part is probably what most people think PyPy is, but this tutorial is not about their Python interpreter. It is about writing your own interpreter for your own language.

This is the project I undertook to help myself better understand how PyPy works and what it's all about.

This tutorial assumes you know very little about PyPy, how it works, and even what it's all about. I'm starting from the very beginning here.

What PyPy Does

Here's a brief overview of what PyPy can do. Let's say you want to write an interpreted language. This involves writing some kind of source code parser, a bytecode interpretation loop, and lots of standard library code.

That's quite a bit of work for moderately complicated languages, and there's a lot of low level work involved. Writing the parser and compiler code usually isn't fun, that's why there are tools out there to generate parsers and compilers for you.

Even then, you still must worry about memory management in your interpreter, and you're going to be re-implementing a lot if you want data types like arbitrary precision integers, nice general hash tables, and such. It's enough to put someone off from implementing their idea for a language.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could write your language in an existing high level language like, for example, Python? That sure would be ideal, you'd get all the advantages of a high level language like automatic memory management and rich data types at your disposal. Oh, but an interpreted language interpreting another language would be slow, right? That's twice as much interpreting going on.

As you may have guessed, PyPy solves this problem. PyPy is a sophisticated toolchain for analyzing and translating your interpreter code to C code (or JVM or CLI). This process is called "translation", and it knows how to translate quite a lot of Python's syntax and standard libraries, but not everything. All you have to do is write your interpreter in RPython, a subset of the Python language carefully defined to allow this kind of analysis and translation, and PyPy will produce for you a very efficient interpreter.

Because efficient interpreters should not be hard to write.

The Language

The language I've chosen to implement is dead simple. The language runtime consists of a tape of integers, all initialized to zero, and a single pointer to one of the tape's cells. The language has 8 commands, described here:

Moves the tape pointer one cell to the right
Moves the tape pointer one cell to the left
Increments the value of the cell underneath the pointer
Decrements the value of the cell underneath the pointer
If the cell under the current pointer is 0, skip to the instruction after the matching ]
Skip back to the matching [ (evaluating its condition)
Print out a single byte to stdout from the cell under the pointer
Read in a single byte from stdin to the cell under the pointer

Any unrecognized bytes are ignored.

Some of you may recognize this language. I will be referring to it as BF.

One thing to notice is that the language is its own bytecode; there is no translation from source code to bytecode. This means that the language can be interpreted directly: the main eval loop of our interpreter will operate right on the source code. This simplifies the implementation quite a bit.

First Steps

Let's start out by writing a BF interpreter in plain old Python. The first step is sketching out an eval loop:

def mainloop(program):
    tape = Tape()
    pc = 0
    while pc < len(program):
        code = program[pc]

        if code == ">":
        elif code == "<":
        elif code == "+":
        elif code == "-":
        elif code == ".":
        elif code == ",":
        elif code == "[" and value() == 0:
            # Skip forward to the matching ]
        elif code == "]" and value() != 0:
            # Skip back to the matching [

        pc += 1

As you can see, a program counter (pc) holds the current instruction index. The first statement in the loop gets the instruction to execute, and then a compound if statement decides how to execute that instruction.

The implementation of [ and ] are left out here, but they should change the program counter to the value of the matching bracket. (The pc then gets incremented, so the condition is evaluated once when entering a loop, and once at the end of each iteration)

Here's the implementation of the Tape class, which holds the tape's values as well as the tape pointer:

class Tape(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.thetape = [0]
        self.position = 0

    def get(self):
        return self.thetape[self.position]
    def set(self, val):
        self.thetape[self.position] = val
    def inc(self):
        self.thetape[self.position] += 1
    def dec(self):
        self.thetape[self.position] -= 1
    def advance(self):
        self.position += 1
        if len(self.thetape) <= self.position:
    def devance(self):
        self.position -= 1

As you can see, the tape expands as needed to the right, indefinitely. We should really add some error checking to make sure the pointer doesn't go negative, but I'm not worrying about that now.

Except for the omission of the "[" and "]" implementation, this code will work fine. However, if the program has a lot of comments, it will have to skip over them one byte at a time at runtime. So let's parse those out once and for all.

At the same time, we'll build a dictionary mapping between brackets, so that finding a matching bracket is just a single dictionary lookup. Here's how:

def parse(program):
    parsed = []
    bracket_map = {}
    leftstack = []

    pc = 0
    for char in program:
        if char in ('[', ']', '<', '>', '+', '-', ',', '.'):

            if char == '[':
            elif char == ']':
                left = leftstack.pop()
                right = pc
                bracket_map[left] = right
                bracket_map[right] = left
            pc += 1

    return "".join(parsed), bracket_map

This returns a string with all invalid instructions removed, and a dictionary mapping bracket indexes to their matching bracket index.

All we need is some glue code and we have a working BF interpreter:

def run(input):
    program, map = parse(input.read())
    mainloop(program, map)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    run(open(sys.argv[1], 'r'))

If you're following along at home, you'll also need to change the signature of mainloop() and implement the bracket branches of the if statement. Here's the complete example: example1.py

At this point you can try it out to see that it works by running the interpreter under python, but be warned, it will be very slow on the more complex examples:

$ python example1.py 99bottles.b

You can find mandel.b and several other example programs (not written by me) in my repository.

PyPy Translation

But this is not about writing a BF interpreter, this is about PyPy. So what does it take to get PyPy to translate this into a super-fast executable?

As a side note, there are some simple examples in the pypy/translator/goal directory of the PyPy source tree that are helpful here. My starting point for learning this was the example "targetnopstandalone.py", a simple hello world for PyPy.

For our example, the module must define a name called "target" which returns the entry point. The translation process imports your module and looks for that name, calls it, and the function object returned is where it starts the translation.

def run(fp):
    program_contents = ""
    while True:
        read = os.read(fp, 4096)
        if len(read) == 0:
        program_contents += read
    program, bm = parse(program_contents)
    mainloop(program, bm)

def entry_point(argv):
        filename = argv[1]
    except IndexError:
        print "You must supply a filename"
        return 1

    run(os.open(filename, os.O_RDONLY, 0777))
    return 0

def target(*args):
    return entry_point, None

if __name__ == "__main__":

The entry_point function is passed the command line arguments when you run the resulting executable.

A few other things have changed here too. See the next section...

About RPython

Let's talk a bit about RPython at this point. PyPy can't translate arbitrary Python code because Python is a bit too dynamic. There are restrictions on what standard library functions and what syntax constructs one can use. I won't be going over all the restrictions, but for more information see http://readthedocs.org/docs/pypy/en/latest/coding-guide.html#restricted-python

In the example above, you'll see a few things have changed. I'm now using low level file descriptors with os.open and os.read instead of file objects. The implementation of "." and "," are similarly tweaked (not shown above). Those are the only changes to make to this code, the rest is simple enough for PyPy to digest.

That wasn't so hard, was it? I still get to use dictionaries, expandable lists, and even classes and objects! And if low level file descriptors are too low for you, there are some helpful abstractions in the rlib.streamio module included with PyPy's "RPython standard library."

For the example thus far, see example2.py


If you haven't already, check yourself out the latest version of PyPy from their bitbucket.org repository:

$ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy

(A recent revision is necessary because of a bugfix that makes my example possible)

The script to run is in "pypy/translator/goal/translate.py". Run this script, passing in our example module as an argument.

[A note added much later: this script has been moved to "rpython/bin/rpython".]

$ python ./pypy/pypy/translator/goal/translate.py example2.py

(You can use PyPy's python interpreter for extra speed, but it's not necessary)

PyPy will churn for a bit, drawing some nice looking fractals to your console while it works. It takes around 20 seconds on my machine.

The result from this is an executable binary that interprets BF programs. Included in my repository are some example BF programs, including a mandelbrot fractal generator, which takes about 45 seconds to run on my computer. Try it out:

$ ./example2-c mandel.b

Compare this to running the interpreter un-translated on top of python:

$ python example2.py mandel.b

Takes forever, doesn't it?

So there you have it. We've successfully written our own interpreter in RPython and translated it with the PyPy toolchain.

(more in the next blog post...)


Dunk said...

nice post!

DaNmarner said...

Hmmmmmm, yum.

I'm going to translate this into Chinese, if you don't mind?

Anonymous said...

"devance"? I think you meant "retract".

Paul Smith said...

On my Ubuntu 10.10 laptop, the PyPy BF interpreter ran hanoi in ~20 sec and mandel in ~40 sec. By comparison, the beef BF interpreter (written in C) ran these in ~10 and ~20 sec., respectively. Not too shabby, PyPy.

Anonymous said...

Nice article though I'm really missing a simple benchmark between the python interpreter and the pypy interpreter. "Takes forever" vs "45 seconds" isn't as awesome of a conclusion as I'd hoped for.

Anonymous said...

@temptemptemp13: I think you are missing something much more substantial. This article is not about Python at all. It is about how to use the PyPy toolchain to implement a different language - in this case the brainfuck programming language.

While BF isn't a very useful language, it has the nice properties of being very small. Almost all of the language fits in a blog post.

anatoly techtonik said...

Thanks. I've finally understood what PyPy is.

Anonymous said...

I like how this article became family-friendly by actually avoiding calling BF by its name :-)

Davide said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Davide said...

Amazing! Thanks for posting. I was wondering, what's about a pure C or C++ implementations, as close as reasonable to the python one? So I wrote them. You can read more details here, but the bottom line is that PyPy is (marginally) faster than C++, and (marginally) slower than C :-O

Antonio Cuni said...

@Davide: you should compare your C version against the PyPy version WITH the JIT, as explained here:


I bet that PyPy will easily win :-)

Anonymous said...

Nice post. I just want to report that I tried running

/usr/share/pypy-1.6/pypy/translator/goal/translate.py example2.py

and got the following error.
This is with an Ubuntu 1.7 pypy package rebuilt on Debian squeeze (the 1.6 is a typo, it should be 1.7).

[translation:ERROR] Error:
[translation:ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last):
[translation:ERROR] File "/usr/share/pypy-1.6/pypy/translator/goal/translate.py", line 308, in main
[translation:ERROR] drv.proceed(goals)
[translation:ERROR] File "/usr/share/pypy-1.6/pypy/translator/driver.py", line 809, in proceed
[translation:ERROR] return self._execute(goals, task_skip = self._maybe_skip())
[translation:ERROR] File "/usr/share/pypy-1.6/pypy/translator/tool/taskengine.py", line 116, in _execute
[translation:ERROR] res = self._do(goal, taskcallable, *args, **kwds)
[translation:ERROR] File "/usr/share/pypy-1.6/pypy/translator/driver.py", line 286, in _do
[translation:ERROR] res = func()
[translation:ERROR] File "/usr/share/pypy-1.6/pypy/translator/driver.py", line 441, in task_backendopt_lltype
[translation:ERROR] from pypy.translator.backendopt.all import backend_optimizations
[translation:ERROR] File "/usr/share/pypy-1.6/pypy/translator/backendopt/all.py", line 2, in
[translation:ERROR] from pypy.translator.backendopt import removenoops
[translation:ERROR] File "/usr/share/pypy-1.6/pypy/translator/backendopt/removenoops.py", line 5, in
[translation:ERROR] from pypy import conftest
[translation:ERROR] File "/usr/share/pypy-1.6/pypy/conftest.py", line 1, in
[translation:ERROR] import py, pytest, sys, os, textwrap, types
[translation:ERROR] ImportError: No module named pytest
[translation] start debugger...
> /usr/share/pypy-1.6/pypy/conftest.py(1)()
-> import py, pytest, sys, os, textwrap, types

So, it looks like pytest needs to be installed. This does not appear to be available as a Debian package.

Regards, Faheem Mitha
(faheem at faheem dot info)

James Mills said...

This is a great post for anyone interested in programming languages :) Great post!

ℭacilhας, ℒa ℬatalema said...

Now, with os.read() and os.write():

[translation:ERROR] Error:
[translation:ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last):
[translation:ERROR] File "/opt/local/lib/pypy/src/pypy-pypy-07e08e9c885c/pypy/translator/goal/translate.py", line 303, in main
[translation:ERROR] drv.proceed(goals)
[translation:ERROR] File "/opt/local/lib/pypy-2.0-b1/src/pypy-pypy-07e08e9c885c/pypy/translator/driver.py", line 771, in proceed
[translation:ERROR] return self._execute(goals, task_skip = self._maybe_skip())
[translation:ERROR] File "/opt/local/lib/pypy-2.0-b1/src/pypy-pypy-07e08e9c885c/pypy/translator/tool/taskengine.py", line 116, in _execute
[translation:ERROR] res = self._do(goal, taskcallable, *args, **kwds)
[translation:ERROR] File "/opt/local/lib/pypy-2.0-b1/src/pypy-pypy-07e08e9c885c/pypy/translator/driver.py", line 283, in _do
[translation:ERROR] res = func()
[translation:ERROR] File "/opt/local/lib/pypy-2.0-b1/src/pypy-pypy-07e08e9c885c/pypy/translator/driver.py", line 319, in task_annotate
[translation:ERROR] s = annotator.build_types(self.entry_point, self.inputtypes)
[translation:ERROR] File "/opt/local/lib/pypy-2.0-b1/src/pypy-pypy-07e08e9c885c/pypy/annotation/annrpython.py", line 89, in build_types
[translation:ERROR] return self.build_graph_types(flowgraph, inputcells, complete_now=complete_now)
[translation:ERROR] File "/opt/local/lib/pypy-2.0-b1/src/pypy-pypy-07e08e9c885c/pypy/annotation/annrpython.py", line 142, in build_graph_types
[translation:ERROR] self.complete()
[translation:ERROR] File "/opt/local/lib/pypy-2.0-b1/src/pypy-pypy-07e08e9c885c/pypy/annotation/annrpython.py", line 217, in complete
[translation:ERROR] raise AnnotatorError(text)
[translation:ERROR] AnnotatorError: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
[translation:ERROR] Blocked block -- operation cannot succeed
[translation:ERROR] v1 = ord(v0)
[translation:ERROR] In :
[translation:ERROR] Happened at file /Users/cacilhas/Workspace/Personal/brainfuck/src/brainfuck/parser.py line 29
[translation:ERROR] ==> tape.set(ord(os.read(0, 1)))
[translation:ERROR] Known variable annotations:
[translation:ERROR] v0 = SomeString(can_be_None=True)

Dvd Fo said...

I think that your "," implementation is incorrect, os.read returns an empty string on EOF, thus [0] triggers an exception.
According to Wikipedia, setting the cell to 0, -1 or leaving the cell unchanged each may be used to tell EOF apart from other characters.

James said...

I followed this tutorial again several years later :) (just for fun) using the newly published rpython toolchain now available up on PyPi. You can now just: pip install rpython -- I also wanted to point out that recent versions of the RPython toolchain have made advances in what it can translate it seems; specifically I did not need to change the open(...).read() parts to lower level os.read() calls.