Greetings from Vilnius, Lithuania. There were already
two pypy talks, one performed by Jacob Hallen
PyPy for the rest of us and second
by Maciej Fijalkowski PyPy status talk. The thing that
we forgotten to tell is that PyPy sandboxing feature
can also easily limit CPU and RAM usage as well as
any other possible resource (like network transfer).
For anyone who would like to join, there is a PyPy
sprint after the conference.
arigo & fijal

Can you post PDFs of those slides? The text is not rendering for me in NeoOffice.
Is Maciej using some secret cool reST presentation tool?
You can convert to PDF online.
This link should work for the next 24 hours. You can regenerate it on the same site after that.
I checked in pdf version. I use rst2beamer + hacks :) Ask Antonio Cuni for details.
yes, we are using rst2beamer:
to have some hints how to use it, look at this script I used to generate my pycon-italy talk:
I also wrote some rst macros that allows you to put some paragraphs in those nice beamer's exampleblock and alertblock:
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