Recently Antonio, Armin and Ronan had a small internal sprint in the beautiful
city of Gdańsk to kick-off the development of HPy. Here is a brief report of
what was accomplished during the sprint.
What is HPy?
The TL;DR answer is "a better way to write C extensions for Python".
The idea of HPy was born during EuroPython 2019 in Basel, where there was an
informal meeting which included core developers of PyPy, CPython (Victor
Stinner and Mark Shannon) and Cython (Stefan Behnel). The ideas were later also
discussed with Tim Felgentreff of GraalPython, to make sure they would also be
applicable to this very different implementation, Windel Bouwman of RustPython
is following the project as well.
All of us agreed that the current design of the CPython C API is problematic
for various reasons and, in particular, because it is too tied to the current
internal design of CPython. The end result is that:
- alternative implementations of Python (such as PyPy, but not only) have a
hard time loading and executing existing C extensions;
- CPython itself is unable to change some of its internal implementation
details without breaking the world. For example, as of today it would be
impossible to switch from using reference counting to using a real GC,
which in turns make it hard for example to remove the GIL, as gilectomy
HPy tries to address these issues by following two major design guidelines:
- objects are referenced and passed around using opaque handles, which are
similar to e.g., file descriptors in spirit. Multiple, different handles
can point to the same underlying object, handles can be duplicated and
each handle must be released independently of any other duplicate.
- The internal data structures and C-level layout of objects are not
visible nor accessible using the API, so each implementation if free to
use what fits best.
The other major design goal of HPy is to allow incremental transition and
porting, so existing modules can migrate their codebase one method at a time.
Moreover, Cython is considering to optionally generate HPy code, so extension
module written in Cython would be able to benefit from HPy automatically.
More details can be found in the README of the official HPy repository.
Target ABI
When compiling an HPy extension you can choose one of two different target ABIs:
- HPy/CPython ABI: in this case, hpy.h contains a set of macros and
static inline functions. At compilation time this translates the HPy API
into the standard C-API. The compiled module will have no performance
penalty, and it will have a "standard" filename like
- Universal HPy ABI: as the name implies, extension modules compiled
this way are "universal" and can be loaded unmodified by multiple Python
interpreters and versions. Moreover, it will be possible to dynamically
enable a special debug mode which will make it easy to find e.g., open
handles or memory leaks, without having to recompile the extension.
Universal modules can also be loaded on CPython, thanks to the
hpy_universal module which is under development. An extra layer of
indirection enables loading extensions compiled with the universal ABI. Users
of hpy_universal will face a small performance penalty compared to the ones
using the HPy/CPython ABI.
This setup gives several benefits:
- Extension developers can use the extra debug features given by the
Universal ABI with no need to use a special debug version of Python.
- Projects which need the maximum level of performance can compile their
extension for each relevant version of CPython, as they are doing now.
- Projects for which runtime speed is less important will have the choice of
distributing a single binary which will work on any version and
implementation of Python.
A simple example
The HPy repo contains a proof of concept module. Here is a simplified
version which illustrates what a HPy module looks like:
static HPy add_ints_impl(HPyContext ctx, HPy self, HPy *args, HPy_ssize_t nargs)
long a, b;
if (!HPyArg_Parse(ctx, args, nargs, "ll", &a, &b))
return HPy_NULL;
return HPyLong_FromLong(ctx, a+b);
static HPyMethodDef PofMethods[] = {
{"add_ints", add_ints, HPy_METH_VARARGS, ""},
static HPyModuleDef moduledef = {
.m_name = "pof",
.m_doc = "HPy Proof of Concept",
.m_size = -1,
.m_methods = PofMethods
static HPy init_pof_impl(HPyContext ctx)
HPy m;
m = HPyModule_Create(ctx, &moduledef);
if (HPy_IsNull(m))
return HPy_NULL;
return m;
People who are familiar with the current C-API will surely notice many
similarities. The biggest differences are:
- Instead of PyObject *, objects have the type HPy, which as
explained above represents a handle.
- You need to explicitly pass an HPyContext around: the intent is
primary to be future-proof and make it easier to implement things like
sub- interpreters.
- HPy_METH_VARARGS is implemented differently than CPython's
METH_VARARGS: in particular, these methods receive an array of HPy
and its length, instead of a fully constructed tuple: passing a tuple
makes sense on CPython where you have it anyway, but it might be an
unnecessary burden for alternate implementations. Note that this is
similar to the new METH_FASTCALL which was introduced in CPython.
- HPy relies a lot on C macros, which most of the time are needed to support
the HPy/CPython ABI compilation mode. For example, HPy_DEF_METH_VARARGS
expands into a trampoline which has the correct C signature that CPython
expects (i.e., PyObject (*)(PyObject *self, *PyObject *args)) and
which calls add_ints_impl.
Sprint report and current status
After this long preamble, here is a rough list of what we accomplished during
the week-long sprint and the days immediatly after.
On the HPy side, we kicked-off the code in the repo: at the moment of writing
the layout of the directories is a bit messy because we moved things around
several times, but we identified several main sections:
A specification of the API which serves both as documentation and as an
input for parts of the projects which are automatically
generated. Currently, this lives in public_api.h.
A set of header files which can be used to compile extension modules:
depending on whether the flag -DHPY_UNIVERSAL_ABI is passed to the
compiler, the extension can target the HPy/CPython ABI or the HPy
Universal ABI
A CPython extension module called hpy_universal which makes it
possible to import universal modules on CPython
A set of tests which are independent of the implementation and are meant
to be an "executable specification" of the semantics. Currently, these
tests are run against three different implementations of the HPy API:
- the headers which implements the "HPy/CPython ABI"
- the hpy_universal module for CPython
- the hpy_universal module for PyPy (these tests are run in the PyPy repo)
Moreover, we started a PyPy branch in which to implement the
hpy_univeral module: at the moment of writing PyPy can pass all the HPy
tests apart the ones which allow conversion to and from PyObject *.
Among the other things, this means that it is already possible to load the
very same binary module in both CPython and PyPy, which is impressive on its
own :).
Finally, we wanted a real-life use case to show how to port a module to HPy
and to do benchmarks. After some searching, we choose ultrajson, for the
following reasons:
- it is a real-world extension module which was written with performance in
- when parsing a JSON file it does a lot of calls to the Python API to
construct the various parts of the result message
- it uses only a small subset of the Python API
This repo contains the HPy port of ultrajson. This commit shows an example
of what the porting looks like.
ujson_hpy is also a very good example of incremental migration: so far
only ujson.loads is implemented using the HPy API, while ujson.dumps
is still implemented using the old C-API, and both can coexist nicely in the
same compiled module.
Once we have a fully working ujson_hpy module, we can finally run
benchmarks! We tested several different versions of the module:
- ujson: this is the vanilla implementation of ultrajson using the
C-API. On PyPy this is executed by the infamous cpyext compatibility
layer, so we expect it to be much slower than on CPython
- ujson_hpy: our HPy port compiled to target the HPy/CPython ABI. We
expect it to be as fast as ujson
- ujson_hpy_universal: same as above but compiled to target the
Universal HPy ABI. We expect it to be slightly slower than ujson on
CPython, and much faster on PyPy.
Finally, we also ran the benchmark using the builtin json module. This is
not really relevant to HPy, but it might still be an interesting as a
reference data point.
The benchmark is very simple and consists of parsing a big JSON file 100
times. Here is the average time per iteration (in milliseconds) using the
various versions of the module, CPython 3.7 and the latest version of the hpy
PyPy branch:
CPython |
PyPy |
ujson |
154.32 |
633.97 |
ujson_hpy |
152.19 |
ujson_hpy_universal |
168.78 |
207.68 |
json |
224.59 |
135.43 |
As expected, the benchmark proves that when targeting the HPy/CPython ABI, HPy
doesn't impose any performance penalty on CPython. The universal version is
~10% slower on CPython, but gives an impressive 3x speedup on PyPy! It it
worth noting that the PyPy hpy module is not fully optimized yet, and we
expect to be able to reach the same performance as CPython for this particular
example (or even more, thanks to our better GC).
All in all, not a bad result for two weeks of intense hacking :)
It is also worth noting than PyPy's builtin json module does really
well in this benchmark, thanks to the recent optimizations that were described
in an earlier blog post.
Conclusion and future directions
We think we can be very satisfied about what we have got so far. The
development of HPy is quite new, but these early results seem to indicate that
we are on the right track to bring Python extensions into the future.
At the moment, we can anticipate some of the next steps in the development of
- Think about a proper API design: what we have done so far has
been a "dumb" translation of the API we needed to run ujson. However,
one of the declared goal of HPy is to improve the design of the API. There
will be a trade-off between the desire of having a clean, fresh new API
and the need to be not too different than the old one, to make porting
easier. Finding the sweet spot will not be easy!
- Implement the "debug" mode, which will help developers to find
bugs such as leaking handles or using invalid handles.
- Instruct Cython to emit HPy code on request.
- Eventually, we will also want to try to port parts of numpy to HPy to
finally solve the long-standing problem of sub-optimal numpy
performance in PyPy.
Stay tuned!