Monday, June 1, 2015

PyPy 2.6.0 release

PyPy 2.6.0 - Cameo Charm

We’re pleased to announce PyPy 2.6.0, only two months after PyPy 2.5.1. We are particulary happy to update cffi to version 1.1, which makes the popular ctypes-alternative even easier to use, and to support the new vmprof statistical profiler.
You can download the PyPy 2.6.0 release here:
We would like to thank our donors for the continued support of the PyPy project, and for those who donate to our three sub-projects, as well as our volunteers and contributors.
Thanks also to Yury V. Zaytsev and David Wilson who recently started running nightly builds on Windows and MacOSX buildbots.
We’ve shown quite a bit of progress, but we’re slowly running out of funds. Please consider donating more, or even better convince your employer to donate, so we can finish those projects! The three sub-projects are:
  • Py3k (supporting Python 3.x): We have released a Python 3.2.5 compatible version we call PyPy3 2.4.0, and are working toward a Python 3.3 compatible version
  • STM (software transactional memory): We have released a first working version, and continue to try out new promising paths of achieving a fast multithreaded Python
  • NumPy which requires installation of our fork of upstream numpy, available on bitbucket
We would also like to encourage new people to join the project. PyPy has many layers and we need help with all of them: PyPy and RPython documentation improvements, tweaking popular modules to run on pypy, or general help with making RPython’s JIT even better. Nine new people contributed since the last release, you too could be one of them.

What is PyPy?

PyPy is a very compliant Python interpreter, almost a drop-in replacement for CPython 2.7. It’s fast (pypy and cpython 2.7.x performance comparison) due to its integrated tracing JIT compiler.
This release supports x86 machines on most common operating systems (Linux 32/64, Mac OS X 64, Windows, OpenBSD, freebsd), as well as newer ARM hardware (ARMv6 or ARMv7, with VFPv3) running Linux.
While we support 32 bit python on Windows, work on the native Windows 64 bit python is still stalling, we would welcome a volunteer to handle that. We also welcome developers with other operating systems or dynamic languages to see what RPython can do for them.


  • Python compatibility:
    • Improve support for TLS 1.1 and 1.2
    • Windows downloads now package a pypyw.exe in addition to pypy.exe
    • Support for the PYTHONOPTIMIZE environment variable (impacting builtin’s __debug__ property)
    • Issues reported with our previous release were resolved after reports from users on our issue tracker at or on IRC at #pypy.
  • New features:
    • Add preliminary support for a new lightweight statistical profiler vmprof, which has been designed to accomodate profiling JITted code
  • Numpy:
    • Support for object dtype via a garbage collector hook
    • Support for .can_cast and .min_scalar_type as well as beginning a refactoring of the internal casting rules
    • Better support for subtypes, via the __array_interface__, __array_priority__, and __array_wrap__ methods (still a work-in-progress)
    • Better support for ndarray.flags
  • Performance improvements:
    • Slight improvement in frame sizes, improving some benchmarks
    • Internal refactoring and cleanups leading to improved JIT performance
    • Improved IO performance of zlib and bz2 modules
    • We continue to improve the JIT’s optimizations. Our benchmark suite is now over 7 times faster than cpython
Please try it out and let us know what you think. We welcome success stories, experiments, or benchmarks, we know you are using PyPy, please tell us about it!
The PyPy Team


  1. PyPy 2.6.0 - Cameo Charm since PyPy looks best in profile (well, vmprof anyway)

  2. How is matplotlib state in numpypy ?

  3. No GUI backend, but this fork should work (version 1.4) for non-interactive plotting
    You will need to install our fork of numpy as a prerequisite

    Help with the cffi port of WxPython could get us a GUI backend (or a updated matplotlib)

  4. Thanks for the information


See also PyPy's IRC channel: #pypy at, or the pypy-dev mailing list.
If the blog post is old, it is pointless to ask questions here about it---you're unlikely to get an answer.