Friday, April 13, 2012

PyCon 2012 wrap up

So, PyCon happened. This was the biggest PyCon ever and probably the biggest gathering of Python hackers ever.

From the PyPy perspective, a lot at PyCon was about PyPy. Listing things:

  • David Beazley presented an excellent keynote describing his experience diving head-first into PyPy and at least partly failing. He, however, did not fail to explain bits and pieces about PyPy's architecture. Video is available.
  • We gave tons of talks, including the tutorial, why pypy by example and pypy's JIT architecture
  • We had a giant influx of new commiters, easily doubling the amount of pull requests ever created for PyPy. The main topics for newcomers were numpy and py3k, disproving what David said about PyPy being too hard to dive into ;)
  • Guido argued in his keynote that Python is not too slow. In the meantime, we're trying to prove him correct :-)

We would like to thank everyone who talked to us, shared ideas and especially those who participated in sprints - we're always happy to welcome newcomers!

I'm sure there are tons of things I forgot, but thank you all!

Cheers, fijal


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