Friday, November 13, 2009

Düsseldorf Sprint Report

While the Düsseldorf is dwindling off, we put our minds to the task of retelling our accomplishments. The sprint was mostly about improving the JIT and we managed to stick to that task (as much as we managed to stick to anything). The sprint was mostly filled with doing many small things.


Carl Friedrich and Samuele started the sprint trying to tame the JIT's inlining. Until now, the JIT would try to inline everything in a loop (except other loops) which is what most tracing JITs actually do. This works great if the resulting trace is of reasonable length, but if not it would result in excessive memory consumption and code cache problems in the CPU. So far we just had a limit on the trace size, and we would abort tracing when the limit was reached. This would happen again and again for the same loop, which is not useful at all. The new approach introduced is to be more clever when tracing is aborted by marking the function with the largest contribution to the trace size as non-inlinable. The next time this loop is traced, it usually then gives a reasonably sized trace.

This gives a problem because now some functions that don't contain loops are not inlined, which means they never get assembler code for them generated. To remedy this problem we also make it possible to trace functions from their start (as opposed to just tracing loops). We do that only for functions that can not be inlinined (either because they contain loops or they were marked as non-inlinable as described above).

The result of this is that the Python version telco decimal benchmark runs to completion without having to arbitrarily increase the trace length limit. It's also about 40% faster than running it on CPython. This is one of the first non-tiny programs that we speed up.

Reducing GC Pressure

Armin and Anto used some GC instrumentation to find places in pypy-c-jit that allocate a lot of memory. This is an endlessly surprising exercise, as usually we don't care too much about allocations of short-lived objects when writing RPython, as our GCs usually deal well with those. They found a few places where they could remove allocations, most importantly by making one of the classes that make up traces smaller.

Optimizing Chains of Guards

Carl Friedrich and Samuele started a simple optimization on the trace level that removes superfluous guards. A common pattern in a trace is to have stronger and stronger guards about the same object. As an example, often there is first a guard that an object is not None, later followed by a guard that it is exactly of a given class and then even later that it is a precise instance of that class. This is inefficient, as we can just check the most precise thing in the place of the first guard, saving us guards (which take memory, as they need resume data). Maciek, Armin and Anto later improved on that by introducing a new guard that checks for non-nullity and a specific class in one guard, which allows us to collapse more chains.

Improving JIT and Exceptions

Armin and Maciek went on a multi-day quest to make the JIT and Python-level exceptions like each other more. So far, raising and catching exceptions would make the JIT generate code that has a certain amusement value, but is not really fast in any way. To improve the situation, they had to dig into the exception support in the Python interpreter, where they found various inefficiencies. They also had to rewrite the exceptions module to be in RPython (as opposed to just pure Python + an old hack). Another problems is that tracebacks give you access to interpreter frames. This forces the JIT to deoptimize things, as the JIT keeps some of the frame's content in CPU registers or on the CPU stack, which reflective access to frames prevents. Currently we try to improve the simple cases where the traceback is never actually accessed. This work is not completely finished, but some cases are already significantly faster.

Moving PyPy to use py.test 1.1

Holger worked on porting PyPy to use the newly released py.test 1.1. PyPy still uses some very old support code in its testing infrastructure, which makes this task a bit annoying. He also gave the other PyPy developers a demo of some of the newer py.test features and we discussed which of them we want to start using to improve our tests to make them shorter and clearer. One of the things we want to do eventually is to have less skipped tests than now.

Using a Simple Effect Analysis for the JIT

One of the optimization the JIT does is caching fields that are read out of structures on the heap. This cache needs to be invalidated at some points, for example when such a field is written to (as we don't track aliasing much). Another case is a call in the assembler, as the target function could arbitrarily change the heap. This of course is imprecise, since most functions don't actually change the whole heap, and we have an analysis that finds out which sorts of types of structs and arrays a function can mutate. During the sprint Carl Friedrich and Samuele integrated this analysis with the JIT, to help it invalidate caches less aggressively. Later Anto and Carl Friedrich also ported this support to the CLI version of the JIT.


Samuele (with some assistance of Carl Friedrich) set up a buildbot slave on a Mac Mini at the University. This should let us stabilize on the Max OS X. So far we still have a number of failing tests, but now we are in a situation to sanely approach fixing them.

Anto improved the CLI backend to support the infrastructure for producing the profiling graphs Armin introduced.

The guinea-pigs that were put into Carl Friedrich's care have been fed (which was the most important sprint task anyway).

Samuele & Carl Friedrich


  1. Great news and a nice read. Out of curiosity, did you also improve performance for the richards or pystone benchmarks?

  2. this is a very fascinating project and i enjoy reading the blog even if i am not really a computer scientist and don't have a very deep understanding of many details. :)

    something i always wonder about... wouldn't it be possible to use genetic algorithms in compiler technology? like a python to machine code compiler that evolves to the fastest solution by itself? or is there still not enough computing power for something like that?

  3. Very interesting. Thanks for all your work!

  4. @Anonymous: Richards and Pystone become less and less important as benchmarks, we are trying to look into more application-like larger things now.


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